Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New and Improved Craft Room

Well...we went to Lowe's on Monday and picked out a couple new base and wall cabinets. We spend the afternoon putting them together and installing them in the craft room. Talk about quality time with the hubby!!! Here's what the craft room looks like now:

To make room to install the cabinets, we had to move a ton of stuff out into the den. And as you can see from these pics, there is still a good bit of organizing left to do! There will be an "L-shaped" countertop that runs down one wall, turns the corner, then runs down the other wall. Hopefully, we'll install that this weekend. Now I'm searching for a new way to store my cardstock...any suggestions???

1 comment:

Lori Barnett said...

Looks like you have yourself a great place to create!! I just got my new space!! I need to decorage on the walls, but I'm moved in and can play now :)